Magreth Kakoko
MIT CEE | Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Experimentation on Hydraulic Fracturing and Facture Flow
- Environmental Engineering
Herbert Einstein
Hydraulic fracturing is widely used in hydrocarbon extraction (shale gas) and EGS (Engineered Geothermal Systems to extract heat). Research on lab hydraulic fracturing has been devoted to studying induced fracture geometry and its interactions with existing fractures, applied stress, bedding planes, intrinsic rock properties, etc. One of the main challenges with lab hydraulic fracturing has been the complexity of the rock samples’ material behaviors being tested. The goal of my project is to make and identify a set of modal materials whose mechanical properties align with those of rock samples that are subjected to lab hydraulic fracturing, such that these materials can be used in place of the rock samples.
I am participating in this super-urop so as to gain more experience research experience, and also so as to explore the subject of rock mechanics in depth. I have taken mechanics classes during my sophomore and junior years, and also worked in this lab as a UROP student. I want to build on these experiences and explore this topic that has a wide range of real world applications and room for innovation.