Paul Windor Kalebu
MIT EECS Cisco Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Optimizing Filter Design for 3D RF Localization
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Systems and Networking
Dina Katabi
3D Tracking via RF Body Reflections
In recent years multiple advances have improved accuracy and robustness in motion tracking and localization systems. RF localization systems like using WiFi have reached sub-meter accuracy and demonstrated the ability to deal with occlusions. However these systems require the user to carry a wireless device. In contrast depth-imaging systems like Kinect revolutionize human-computer interaction by tracking 3-D motion without user instrumentation but require a user to stay within the device’s line-of-sight without occlusions. We envision an RF system that can perform 3-D motion tracking without user instrumentation to improve depth-imaging systems like Kinect to expand their reach beyond direct line-of-sight and enable through-wall human-computer interaction.
Through two UROPs (Media Lab and LEES) and two internships (Intel and Apple) I have gained useful experience in circuit design. Additionally past classes like 6.003 and 6.115 have prepared me well for the project. I hope to improve my expertise with signal processing through the research and I am most excited to work with Professor Katabi in making practical advancements in applications of wireless technology.